
So it's all over

I really thought I had much more time until TIBU shut down,but upon checking today i've discovered it's gone!!Damn time zones!I wish I had a few more hours so I could have my goodbye post but alas TIBU has 'discontinued operation' and I didn't even know how much feckin' time I had left!So i'm a sad man now,no more TIBU.

So we're all onto TIBU2 now,or at least most people are anyway.Since I didn't post an awful lot on TIBU I thought things should change here so it's my new years resolution to post more and try to increase my skills in writing so they're at least acceptable to everyone here!

My birthday is tomorrow and i'll no longer be a teenager!!!I'm an unhappy man now!

Well I think i'll finish this post now because it's starting to turn into a rant.

So farewell TIBU and hello TIBU2.


  1. I'll be glad when Tibu2 is more than this Blog site. The last 1/2 hour was so congested last night I couldn't even read everything I wanted to. A very sad day. I don't think I knew you there but I'm looking forward to reading your stuff. Happy Birthday and enjoy the beginning of the rest of your life!

  2. Same here,I wonder what the proper site will look like when it's done?I hadn't a clue what time it shut down so i'm sure I missed something important.I'm sure no one really knew me there,I didn't post an awful lot so hopefully things will change here as I said.Thank you,and I shall:).

  3. I didn't know about this blog. I was probably told about it, but as most of you know my life is usually a scrambled mess. I'm in southern Idaho at the moment. Quiet here.


  4. PS: Here's another site I'm building: http://sites.google.com/site/poemsofdbtompsett/

  5. It was sad. I invited a bunch of the writers that I'm friends with and had a goodbye to tibu. Every one brought their lap tops and we all sat in dining room eating drinking and reading. The last few hours were hysterical people were posting like crazy and it ran so slow. When the lights went out. We all sort of stared at each other. It really happened and I cried. I can't wait for the new site to be up and running. I'm missing a lot of good reading.

  6. Is there a start date for the new site yet?

  7. Start dates for the site have come and gone. It is in the beta-testing stage, and I'm sorry that it has taken as long as it has. Life, alas, does get in the way sometimes.
    Soon, very soon.
